You have a very funny accent

La mia futura compagna di appartamento stasera. Credo mi odi un po’, ogni tanto mi parlava, la guardavo con occhio spento e scattava il “Sorry, can you repeat?”

My future roommate this evening. I think she hates me, sometimes she talked to me, I looked at her and then “Sorry, can you repeat?”

This picture is beautiful, but this is not you!

L’omino del controllo di sicurezza al JFK, guardando la foto del mio passaporto e la mia faccia da sveglia alle 5 mattina, 8 ore di volo, corsa per l’aeroporto con due valigie da 23 kg l’una e zaino da 10 kg sulle spalle.
The man of the security control at JFK, looking the picture in my passport and then my face. I woke up at 5 in the morning, I had 8 hours flight, I run into the airport with 2 23 kg cases and one 10 kg backpack on my back

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